sayang's kaka malam bebadak.. i wore tis there and i soooooooooo love the clours and the puffy thingy at my arm.. i call it my princess puff HAHA. had a great time.. saw my boo dancing and singing.. DAAAANGDUT. i got the vid but he would KILL me if i exposed it HAHA. and yeah i poco-poco hahahhhaa.. well i couldnt refffuuused cause sayang's mum offer me to dance... so yeah i was like INDA TAU CEMANA KAU TUJU KU.. and my boyfriend keep saying 'two step baby two step baby' while poco-poco'ing... like whaaat??? banyaaaak steeepssss!!! hahaha. overall enjoyed my night.. thank you sayang.
happy anniversary to my baby :) one more month sayang.. and SYUKUR TO ALLAH for everything <3>