kamu suka

polka dots?? haha aku suka tapi arah things saja.. pernah ku liat arah humans.. shit paning ku.. selajur ngumpat.. kalau tudung mesti cute laah... and lawa.. mun nadaaa... buat muka mr bean grumpy tia aku.. issshhh im so waiting for my baby to go online... tapi betabiaaat eh *sorry uby kentang- i meant it in a very nice way..- doesnt he know iam like missing him like crazzzyyy. hmph. si kong ni punya passsaaal haha. dating ia sama uby ku :) bf stealer *adjust fringe* HAHA. at some point i crack my boo up the other day cause i can imitate tone c kong ani.. and i told my baby that he and kong are like twins.. i mean the difference is just race.. but yeah they are the samee.. i like my baby punya friends cause they make me feel comfortable, i mean i had past rlationships and their friendsss are sooo cold. no wonder those relationship never work.. but my NOW relationship is awesome cause im in a happy environment. thats why when we go out and my bf's friends ikut.. i dont mind cause hanging with them is fun and not awkward.. plus i have like my very own oprah esp when i have bitch fights with boon and that therapy partner is nadiaaaa. my bf use to ckp that iam stealing his friend(c nad) frm him. like i steal homey nya. booo hooo deal withh it syg HAHA. so yeaah. lamaaa bf ku ani ehh.


not much to update.. its a month more for our 1 year together anniversary.. i havent have a slightest idea of what gift to get him.. all is good.. so far there are changes.. im nt being negative but im phobic that those changes dont last long..refering to his 'mistakes'.. but im a forgiver.. only god is the one ber hak punishing to the max..so i leave everything to god cause iam tired already of trying.. i love him yes i do.. more than i can say :') he needs to realise that he need to show more respect to our love :) as i said im a forgiver yet know iam not perfect. i dont forget things easily..

life is good in terms of work. i enjoy my time there.. made new friends.. yet i cant deny yeah, i am still searching the right job with the right kachinng. cause everything involves moneeey nowadayss. and i need moneeey for everything..

ouh iam sooooooooooo in love with Glee, i loveee the boys.. and even the gay one is cute...
i wna get the dvds but i always forget..

i somehow have a stalker who likes to talk bout me but does not want to 'communicate' with me.. SHE acts taiming around me but arah 'kawan' ku ia ckp mcm kami mesraaa saja.. ouh well.. hmm HAHA.

p.s i try uploading picts but the internet here a bit slow :) hmmph. nant taaa.