despite the months we spent together it seems that it is only the beginning of us.. i dream of many more years to come.. just you and me baba bear :8)
bring me my bizzznizz wig
oouuuhmagat its been like lama i din update much and yeah ima give you some update tonight *buka zip seluar* HAHAHAH. okay man when i say that..imagine tone ku mcm 50cent. anyways i watchd shrek lastnight.. it was pantasssticc i tell yah haha tapi aku *adding on 90c that i was the only person (maybe)* cried on the ending!! it was freaakin emotional cause shrek said 'no.. you saved me' to fiona and yeah i wipe my tears in pride and said to my sister 'lets makan pizza' soooo we ate pizza for late dinner.. again paaantastic ;8) and we bawa fuad with us too... so us tiga trio manis had fun...
okaay updates updates.. tmr, me and the bf gon be uno year :8) i got him the bigggggggggggggggggg -secret- wic is sooo cute ima wet my pants.. and i mean piss in my pants okay hahaha crap im a indirect perv sometimes. the way i talk and etc. sooo yeah i love that man hehe. despite our bumpy ride. i tell yah its a bumpy ride berabis..
hmmm.. i knew this guy like back in 06 kali but we din connect much.. he wasnt going for a relationship haha.. he was james bond.. and me.. i was james bond too. sooo we lost contact and contacted back in june 08 i think... from june to november or december i guess feelings develop *sorry if i mis-date the dates yeah i aint a super memory box* and waittt.. hahaha i remember aku annoyed awal nya arah this boon guy cause ia ckp something bout alevels ku.. then yeah we got to get to know each other.. i fell in love with this boon guy who dulu aku sengaja salah kan namanya something like fazli and he said its fadzli. i was trying to yknw act cool and not mcm psycho ingat nama orang haha. and he doesnt knw until now that aku eksen jadi bitch everytime aku salah sabut namany :)
soo yeaa.. i din know i would actually go deeply in love with this guy.. so advance a few months.. when we said we like each other.. we well always on and off .. and it was hurting.. us i think.. it confused him i guess.. it was for a certain reason i dont want to remember cause i promise myself that iam the new me when im official with this guy.. heheh. so yeaah on and off annnd banyak menangis.. if i remember that journey between me and him atu.. it nvr fails to make me :') hehe pasal yknow he was out there free.. talking to chicks and i couldnt do anything cause he was yknw not 'mine' hehe our situation was like that trey songz track 'cant help but wait' and joe's 'if i was your man'.. err i hope u get what im trying to say.. but on june i guess if it is meant to happen it will happen..and it did happen :) he became my man i became his woman... and i did a hell good job of bein his woman.. i loved him like i never loved anyone before.. i gave him the loyalty any man *whoseeh haha but seriously* wanted (<-loyalty; refer.. this was due to complaints frm my guy friends who get played and they said ''all i wanted was just..loyalty" so i assume men want loyalty in relationships). i gave him the support and understanding.. i was his gf and friend :) and despite every mistake he did.. esp the ones that involve girls.. bitch memories..i remember i kedapatan on november *tragedi oktober brrooo* that he was entah 'friendly' with girls.. and it went on and on for months..with more kedapatans and he says they are nothing.. that he loves me.. at first i was like 'whaat!' but i come to realise that a man is a man and sometimes thay cant avoid that game.. and me as his woman will not let any bitch take away my man... bitches come and go but true (and tight) love just wont go away.. So me jadi tis sabar person and cried saying 'why did you do this to mee?!! all i did was love you' heehee and finally he said ' i dont want to hurt you again and i will make it up to you' and he did.. cause now nada crisis nor dramas (Alhamdulilah).. so during that painful phase,a handful of people who knew this said i was stupid.. 'why you still with him if yknw he is like that??" cause i believe that love can change a man's man-whore ways.. it will take time and alamdulilah it is starting to show.. hopefully :) but heeeeey why is my story mcm sad ani kan??? haha astaagaaaaa!! hehe. point is its a bumpy ride and still is but despite all.. that love between me is constanly going strong.. okay hmmm... haha flashbacks pheewww.
soo happy anniversary to me and my baby.. still going strong despite everything :) terima kasih kerana mencintai ku dan mencoba untuk membuat ku bahagia.. coba untuk tidak menyakiti ku lagi.. kau memang awesome kerana tidak ego untuk mengungkapkan maaf. kerana bukan senang untuk seorang lelaki untuk ungkapkan maaf atas kesalahan nya dan membuat perubahan yang baik.. kau awesome sayang.. kerana kau sedar dan mahu berubah demi *kubit* cintaaaa~
now that one heck of malay'ness haha. but i meant it :)
haha alriiighhht.. kamu mau cerita cali yang membari gali ati?? haha kajap ah. 5minutes.
im back monster trucks.. okay wah anu apani ari anam kan aku ke bandar so di gadong.. bagas liat wayang..kami ani kan ke jp sekali masa arah simpang keluar centre point ada this corolla itam lah.. sekali i noticed driver nya ani senyum lebar wah sekali i was joking to my sister 'eh yo adaaa ni.senyum2 ahhh' so kali aku liat passenger seat nya ada laki2 ani.. ia mcm senyum manis HAHAHAHA bf ku waaaah. damn it. i indirectly hit on arah durang who happens to be c kong the driver nya. ngek jua tu. cemana boleh aku inda nampak clearly atu c kong and aku nampak senyuman saja. galap wah kereta atu.. c kong ani putih kali ah.. and caya aku tau wah laki2 siring nya in one glance bf ku pasal mata nya sepet dgn senyuman manis nya. tau2 ia pun salah hit kali HAHAHA. awwwww man ani kes hit arah bf-gf sendiri jua niii. haha. i was laughing the whole way. and kami meet up at tk later on and aku ckp arh kong 'sorry kong aku slah hit arah kau' haha. and soo before i went to belle's,my bf walked me to my car and gave me a gnyt kiss. wic aku cakap 'bibir mu merah *due to my lipstick lah*' sekali ia buat muka playboy and wipe off his lip with his collar and i keep saying/shoutin jokingly 'biar kaau..alai2 liat' haha *the joke was about if alais liat the stain ia inda laku..turun saham hahah. sigh. i din lepak with him lama2 lah cause i wanted to give him time with the boys.. since its Saturday and my bf byk tired lately with his new Govt job *congrats saayaaang* and he needs that yknw chill time... playin cards..smoke..drink.. whatever boy thing he does with his boys.. hehe.. seeee baaaby i do understand you.. sasak kdg2 wah ia ckp/complain as if i dont understand him.. pfft kubit!!
alright errr i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddd rest now.. update you soon monster trucks..
okaay updates updates.. tmr, me and the bf gon be uno year :8) i got him the bigggggggggggggggggg -secret- wic is sooo cute ima wet my pants.. and i mean piss in my pants okay hahaha crap im a indirect perv sometimes. the way i talk and etc. sooo yeah i love that man hehe. despite our bumpy ride. i tell yah its a bumpy ride berabis..
hmmm.. i knew this guy like back in 06 kali but we din connect much.. he wasnt going for a relationship haha.. he was james bond.. and me.. i was james bond too. sooo we lost contact and contacted back in june 08 i think... from june to november or december i guess feelings develop *sorry if i mis-date the dates yeah i aint a super memory box* and waittt.. hahaha i remember aku annoyed awal nya arah this boon guy cause ia ckp something bout alevels ku.. then yeah we got to get to know each other.. i fell in love with this boon guy who dulu aku sengaja salah kan namanya something like fazli and he said its fadzli. i was trying to yknw act cool and not mcm psycho ingat nama orang haha. and he doesnt knw until now that aku eksen jadi bitch everytime aku salah sabut namany :)
soo yeaa.. i din know i would actually go deeply in love with this guy.. so advance a few months.. when we said we like each other.. we well always on and off .. and it was hurting.. us i think.. it confused him i guess.. it was for a certain reason i dont want to remember cause i promise myself that iam the new me when im official with this guy.. heheh. so yeaah on and off annnd banyak menangis.. if i remember that journey between me and him atu.. it nvr fails to make me :') hehe pasal yknow he was out there free.. talking to chicks and i couldnt do anything cause he was yknw not 'mine' hehe our situation was like that trey songz track 'cant help but wait' and joe's 'if i was your man'.. err i hope u get what im trying to say.. but on june i guess if it is meant to happen it will happen..and it did happen :) he became my man i became his woman... and i did a hell good job of bein his woman.. i loved him like i never loved anyone before.. i gave him the loyalty any man *whoseeh haha but seriously* wanted (<-loyalty; refer.. this was due to complaints frm my guy friends who get played and they said ''all i wanted was just..loyalty" so i assume men want loyalty in relationships). i gave him the support and understanding.. i was his gf and friend :) and despite every mistake he did.. esp the ones that involve girls.. bitch memories..i remember i kedapatan on november *tragedi oktober brrooo* that he was entah 'friendly' with girls.. and it went on and on for months..with more kedapatans and he says they are nothing.. that he loves me.. at first i was like 'whaat!' but i come to realise that a man is a man and sometimes thay cant avoid that game.. and me as his woman will not let any bitch take away my man... bitches come and go but true (and tight) love just wont go away.. So me jadi tis sabar person and cried saying 'why did you do this to mee?!! all i did was love you' heehee and finally he said ' i dont want to hurt you again and i will make it up to you' and he did.. cause now nada crisis nor dramas (Alhamdulilah).. so during that painful phase,a handful of people who knew this said i was stupid.. 'why you still with him if yknw he is like that??" cause i believe that love can change a man's man-whore ways.. it will take time and alamdulilah it is starting to show.. hopefully :) but heeeeey why is my story mcm sad ani kan??? haha astaagaaaaa!! hehe. point is its a bumpy ride and still is but despite all.. that love between me is constanly going strong.. okay hmmm... haha flashbacks pheewww.
soo happy anniversary to me and my baby.. still going strong despite everything :) terima kasih kerana mencintai ku dan mencoba untuk membuat ku bahagia.. coba untuk tidak menyakiti ku lagi.. kau memang awesome kerana tidak ego untuk mengungkapkan maaf. kerana bukan senang untuk seorang lelaki untuk ungkapkan maaf atas kesalahan nya dan membuat perubahan yang baik.. kau awesome sayang.. kerana kau sedar dan mahu berubah demi *kubit* cintaaaa~
now that one heck of malay'ness haha. but i meant it :)
haha alriiighhht.. kamu mau cerita cali yang membari gali ati?? haha kajap ah. 5minutes.
im back monster trucks.. okay wah anu apani ari anam kan aku ke bandar so di gadong.. bagas liat wayang..kami ani kan ke jp sekali masa arah simpang keluar centre point ada this corolla itam lah.. sekali i noticed driver nya ani senyum lebar wah sekali i was joking to my sister 'eh yo adaaa ni.senyum2 ahhh' so kali aku liat passenger seat nya ada laki2 ani.. ia mcm senyum manis HAHAHAHA bf ku waaaah. damn it. i indirectly hit on arah durang who happens to be c kong the driver nya. ngek jua tu. cemana boleh aku inda nampak clearly atu c kong and aku nampak senyuman saja. galap wah kereta atu.. c kong ani putih kali ah.. and caya aku tau wah laki2 siring nya in one glance bf ku pasal mata nya sepet dgn senyuman manis nya. tau2 ia pun salah hit kali HAHAHA. awwwww man ani kes hit arah bf-gf sendiri jua niii. haha. i was laughing the whole way. and kami meet up at tk later on and aku ckp arh kong 'sorry kong aku slah hit arah kau' haha. and soo before i went to belle's,my bf walked me to my car and gave me a gnyt kiss. wic aku cakap 'bibir mu merah *due to my lipstick lah*' sekali ia buat muka playboy and wipe off his lip with his collar and i keep saying/shoutin jokingly 'biar kaau..alai2 liat' haha *the joke was about if alais liat the stain ia inda laku..turun saham hahah. sigh. i din lepak with him lama2 lah cause i wanted to give him time with the boys.. since its Saturday and my bf byk tired lately with his new Govt job *congrats saayaaang* and he needs that yknw chill time... playin cards..smoke..drink.. whatever boy thing he does with his boys.. hehe.. seeee baaaby i do understand you.. sasak kdg2 wah ia ckp/complain as if i dont understand him.. pfft kubit!!
alright errr i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddd rest now.. update you soon monster trucks..
Work is my new bestfriend
hectic hectic hectic!! its exam season and for my kids in KG tooooo... assessments!! so you thot these lil kids have none going on?? this is the part i say 'kau silap roy'... im making my portion to learn now.. a bit paning with since im new to this but im getting alright.. its raining outside and my kids are excited about it.. they make such noise that i think guruh... gunturrrr or whatever it is takut :S but hey! kids are kids.. i feel like i have 20 lil brothers and sisters.. naughty cute gremlins.. hmm my anniversary is coming soon. this is the big one. 12 Months :) and i think i got the perfect or maybe not so perfect gift for my boo.
i partaay like a
i have been soo busy lately with events and test preps! and she is everywhere! i tell ya! she fucking annoys me.. and the bond between me and him is soo sweet,it scares the shit outtaf me! lols. i know i got some haters there. boohoo! i dont give a shit with you lot..
love is ours to keep and jaga :)
Catatan (Atom)